This summer fans were given one last chance to save the Matty Collector exclusive Ghostbusters and DC Signature figure lines by signing up for preorder subscriptions. Unfortunately these lines did not meet their minimum requirements so they were cancelled and fans were told they would never see these figures (Masters of the Universe Classics, however, met its minimum and will continue like the juggernaut it is).
That’s what we all thought until today.
Mattel announced at New York Comic Con that they’d be making the DC Signature and Ghostbusters figures available after all (though sadly, not the Ecto-1 vehicle).
Expect to see the Containment Suit Doomsday as a San Diego Comic Con exclusive, while the other four figures will be released quaterly in 2014 – Aquaman in March, Ice in June, Superboy in September and Damien as Robin in December. Each quarterly figure will be $25.
As for the Ghostbusters, the despite the stipulation that we wouldn’t see the removable pack figures if the Ecto-1 didn’t reach its goal, Mattel decided to release them anyway. They’ll be packaged as 2-packs – Egon & Ray and Peter & Winston. Both sets will come with two proton streams and two “No Ghost” stands. The figures will obviously have new torsos to accommodate the new removable proton packs, but I’m sure they’ll all still have the same build. Each set will cost $50.
What’s sad is I’m probably going to end up buying at least the Peter/Winston set because I don’t have a Ghostbusters 1 Winston and this might be my only way to get one.