Just before Toy Fair, word got out that Mattel was working on a new “evergreen” Batman line, that is, one that’s not connected to any particular property and can stand on its own. Details however were scant and when we got to New York nothing was shown to press. This left everyone wondering, just what is this new Batman: Power Attack line, anyway?
Thankfully the folks over at Action Figure Insider got their hands on a couple and posted a ton of pictures of the standard blue & grey Batman (here called “Twin Blades Batman”).
The way AFI describes the line, Power Attack appears to be a line that’s intended for kids that have outgrown the overly-kiddie Imaginext Super Friends series, but aren’t yet ready for the more collector-friendly DCUC/DC All-Stars. Scale-wise, it’s in between those lines as well, at about 5″ – a little taller than The Batman, about the same height as Brave and the Bold.
According to the site, “[t]he figures are fairly stylized in their deco and their sculpt,” and are “very angular with oversized hands and feet.” They have a whopping eight points of articulation (neck, shoulders, elbows, waist and hips) and cloth capes.
If you’re looking to build a DC Universe, this might not be the line to go with. The first two waves are made up of Two-Face, Killer Croc, Robin and a bunch of Batman variants. But this is first and foremost a kids’ line, so seriously don’t get pissy about all the crazy Batman figures. They’re not really for you. I have to admit though, the style appeals to me and I really love the Robin.
Here’s a couple more pictures, to see more head over to Action Figure Times.
I can’t decide how I feel about that chest symbol.
I know I’m digging that super kid-friendly card art though. Would I want Detective in that style? No. Would I like an all-ages book in that style? That I could get behind.
AFI also picked up a Croc, but this pic is from before Toy Fair. Hopefully we’ll see a similar break-down of him soon. I like him.
Shit. Am I going to have buy at least some of this line?