I’m sure those that were lucky enough to attend Marvel Studios’ giant Hall H panel at San Diego Comic Con and got to see the footage from Ant-Man and Avengers 2: Age of Ultron will feel slightly differently, but those of us stuck covering the event via Marvel’s liveblog weren’t all that impressed.
The vast majority of the hour was made up of the various Avengers and Ant-Man actors talking about how crazy Comic Con is (or in Samuel L Jackson’s case, how normal it is – he’s come almost every year since Episode 1), and how weird it is to work on such a big budget film (keep in mind, the newest additions to their stable include Paul Rudd and Elizabeth Olson).
What they did tell us is that Evangeline Lilly (The Hobbit) will play Hope Pym in Ant-Man while Corey Stoll (House of Cards, The Strain) will play villain Darren Cross, aka Yellowjacket. From the description of the clip shown, it seems like Michael Douglas’ Hank Pym might act as a Batman Beyond old Bruce Wayne-type mentor to Paul Rudd’s Scott Lang (he’s even mentioned guiding him via earpiece).
Josh Brolin is definitely playing Thanos. They said it like it was news, had it never been confirmed?
Also, a week before it’s released in theatres Guardians of the Galaxy‘s sequel is announced and has a date – July 28, 2017.