It’s only been a week since Marvel announced their deal with Netflix for four series and a miniseries to tie the shows together. But now, with two writers announced, things are already starting to get rolling.
Drew Goddard will be heading up writing chores on Daredevil. Goddard, as you may recall, wrote the film Cloverfield and teamed with Avengers‘ Joss Whedon on Buffy, Angel and Cabin in the Woods. I wonder how he got the gig. It also helped that Goddard is a self-professed Daredevil fanboy.
“You’re talking to a guy that had quotes from Daredevil painted on his walls all growing up. When I was 18, I still had the blood-red door [with the quote] ‘I have shown him a man without hope is a man without fear.’”
Then again, the last time Daredevil made the jump to live-action he was written and directed by a huge fan of the character and we all know that turned out (though Goddard is an infinitely better filmmaker).
The Jessica Jones series will be written by Melissa Rosenberg, writer of the Twilight films. Rosenberg was set to be the showrunner on the stalled ABC incarnation of the character’s show, so it would appear that despite the network passing, the studio still had faith in her pitch. Lets all just hope it’s more like her episodes of Dexter than her film work.
At this rate we’ll probably know the writers of Luke Cage and Iron Fist by the end of the week.